Don’t Use Objects In Python – Part 1

Everyone knows Python is object oriented. It’s right there on on page 13 of introducing python, it says as much on Wikipedia. You might have even seen classes, objects, inheritance and polymorphism in python yourself. But is Python really object oriented?

Let’s first ask, what actually is an object in python? We’ll see for ourselves, by creating a simple python class:

class Record:
    def __init__(self, name, age): = name
        self.age = age
    def is_over_eighteen(self):
        return self.age > 18

this is just a simple class that has two member fields, name and age and a single method is_over_eighteen. Let’s also create an instance of this class:

my_record = Record("Stubborn", 207)

In Python member fields and methods are known as attributes. We can lookup the attributes of our record just like in any other standard object oriented language by, my_record.age and my_record.is_over_eighteen.

Our object also has other secret attributes that are created automatically. Their names start with a double underscore. The attribute we are interested in is my_record.__dict__. If we evaluate this we will see that it is a dictionary of the instance attributes:

{'name': 'Stubborn', 'age': 207}

What’s interesting is that this isn’t just a representation of the object as a dictionary. In python an object is backed by an actual dictionary, and this is how we access it. When we look up an attribute of an object with the normal notation, for example my_record.age, the python interpreter converts it to a dictionary lookup.

The same is true of methods, the only difference is that methods are attributes of the class. So if we evaluate: Record.__dict__ we get something like:

mappingproxy({'__module__': '__main__', '__init__': <function Record.__init__ at 0x7f3b7feec710>, 'is_over_eighteen': <function Record.is_over_eighteen at 0x7f3b7feec7a0>, '__dict__': <attribute '__dict__' of 'Record' objects>, '__weakref__': <attribute '__weakref__' of 'Record' objects>, '__doc__': None})

We can access our method from this dictionary via:


So a Python object is really just a wrapper for two dictionaries. Which begs the question, why use an object at all, rather than a dictionary? The only functionality objects add on top of dictionaries is inheritance (more on why that is bad in a later post) and a little syntactic sugar for calling methods. In fact there is one way in which python objects are strictly worse than dictionaries, they don’t pretty print. If we evaluate print(my_record) we will see:

<__main__.Record object at 0x7f3b8094dd10>

not very helpful. Now there is a way to make objects pretty print. We do this by implementing the __repr__ method in our Record class. This is the method used by print to represent an object as a string. However, dictionaries already have __repr__ defined so they will pretty print automatically.

Fundamentally, if you think you want to define a class in python, consider just using a dictionary instead.

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