Assembly Tutorial – The Data Section

So far we have only used the data section of our programs to define data and to read that data at runtime. However, we can also write to the data section! Try running the following code through the debugger:

.section .data
.byte 5

.section .text

.globl _start

movq $10, var

movq $60, %rax
movq $0, %rdi

Using the techniques we learned in a previous post, you will see that the line

movq $10, var

changes the value of the byte of memory named var from 5 to 10.

If you want to define read only data in your binary, you can do so with the .rodata section. This works just like the data section. However, if you try to write to the memory here, you will get a seg-fault.

Assembly Tutorial – Advanced debugging Techniques

We have already seen the basics of debugging assembly code with GDB. We covered assembling our code with debug symbols, setting break points, stepping through the code as it executes and inspecting the contents of registers. Now it is time to learn some more advanced techniques!

Command Line Arguments

Sometimes when we run an executable we pass in command line arguments. We can also do this when debugging with GDB. There are two ways to do this. We can put the command line arguments after the run command r. So if echo_input was the name of a binary, and we wanted to debug it with the command line arguments “Hello World” we would, load it into GDB as normal, and then start execution with

r Hello World

Alternatively we can load the executable with our command line arguments directly by using the --args option. So, in our example we would execute:

gdb --args ./echo_input Hello World

This is very useful when debugging the code in our previous posts covering command line arguments!

Inspecting Memory

We know how to read the data stored in registers, but when we’re debugging we often want to read values stored in memory. Suppose, for example, we have a register that we are using as a pointer. We can use the info registers command to see what memory address is stored in the register. To see what data is stored in that memory address we can use the x command.

The x command prints out the value at a given memory address. We provide a suffix to specify how much memory to read and how to display it.

Let’s have a look at an example. Suppose we have defined a byte in our data section with value 12, and that we have moved the address of this byte into the register rax. In GDB we use the command

info registers rax

to read this value from rax. Let’s say that the output of this command is

rdi            0x40200b            4202507

So the address of the our data is 4202507, or 0x40200b in hex. We can read the value stored at this memory address with the command

x/bd 0x40200b

The output of this will be 0x40200b: 12, that is, the address followed by the value 12, as we would expect.

The suffix bd tells gdb to read a byte (b) of memory and display the result as a decimal (d). We can display value as hexadecimal with x, octal with o, binary with t and unsigned decimal with u. We can specify the size to read as a byte with b, 2 bytes with h, 4 bytes with w and 8 bytes with g.

Let’s say we have defined a short in our data section named numShort that has value 256. This will take up more than one byte, it will appear in memory as the byte 00000000 followed by 000000001. So the command x/bt will read the first byte, 00000000, and the command x/ht will read two bytes giving 0000000100000000.

We can also output more than one value at once, by adding a multiplier to the suffix. So if we apply the command x/2bt to the memory address referenced by the name numShort our output will be:

0x40200c:	00000000	00000001

We can also read and output character values. Suppose we have declared a string in our data section with the value “outputFile”. If we inspect the address of this memory with x/bx, we will get 0x6f. If you look this value up in an ascii table, you will see this is the hex value of the character ‘o’. This is, or course, the first character of our string.

To output these values as characters directly we use the c suffix like so:

x/bc 4202496

the output will be: 111 'o'. That is the decimal ascii value of the character ‘o’ and the character ‘o’. We can even read multiple values at once. For example the command

x/5bc 4202496

will output:

111 'o'	117 'u'	116 't'	112 'p'	117 'u' 

that is, we have read five characters starting at the memory address 4202496. Of course reading individual characters like this would be a little tedious, and we can just read entire strings out of memory. The command:

x/s 4202496

will output the entire string: "outputFile".

The x command doesn’t work just on the data section, we can use it to inspect any memory address! For example we can check the values in our buffers defined in the .bss section with x.

Our instructions are also stored in memory, and we can read those with x as well. The register rip is the instruction pointer and contains the address of the next instruction that will be executed. So, we can get that address in GDB with the command:

info registers rip

If we use x/i on the returned address we will see something like:

=> 0x401000 <_start>:	mov    $0x32,%rax

Once we specify a particular size and format, when we execute x without a suffix, it will use the same size and format. The default is to read 4 bytes and display in hexadecimal.

In our example we read the memory addresses from registers. However, we can also use the names of memory addresses directly with the & operator. For example:

x/s &filename

will print the content of the memory address named filename. This works for buffers defined in the .bss section and for data declared in the .data section. We can also use arithmetic expressions when specifying the memory address to inspect. For example to read the byte that is located 3 bytes pas the memory address 0x40200b we would use the command

x/bx 0x40200b + 3

The units we are counting in are the same as the units we are reading, so if we wanted to read the fifth 2 byte value after the memory address 0x40200b we would use:

x/hx 0x40200b + 5

Conditional BreakPoints and Watches

To help with the monotony of debugging we use conditional breakpoints. These are breakpoints that come with a logical condition on a register. The breakpoint will only stop execution when the condition is satisfied. Suppose our source code is in a file named, echo_input.s, and we would like to break at line 12 whenever the register rbx has value 4. We can do that with the following command:

b echo_input.s:12 if $rbx == 4

Note, we put a dollar sign $ before the name of the register. This is a little confusing, as we usually use dollar signs for constant values. We can use any of the typical binary comparison operators, ==, !=, <, >, ,<= and >= when specifying the condition. One thing that can catch you out here, is that the break point condition is evaluated before the instruction on that line executes.

We can also set watches, which are very similar to conditional breakpoints but more general. With a watch, we specify a condition on a register and code execution will halt whenever that condition is satisfied. We do not have to specify a particular line of code. To set a watch that will halt whenever the rcx is greater than 5, we use the command:

watch $rcx > 5

note, we don’t specify the file name, and we still use the dollar sign.

I have covered some pretty technical stuff in this post, I’d recommend you experiment with it all yourself to get a feel for these techniques!

Assembly Language – Command Line Parsing Part 2

So, we’ve already seen how the stack works and how we can read the name of the currently executing binary off the stack. Now it’s time to actually parse command line arguments that come after the name of the binary. Reading the arguments is a little bit more complicated because we do not know in advance how many there will be.

Luckily for us, the kernel gives us a little help. Before execution of our program begins the kernel reads all the space separated arguments after the binary name. It puts these arguments into one chunk of contiguous memory as null terminated strings. Then it puts the address of this piece of memory on the stack. Finally, it puts the number of command line arguments it saw onto the stack.

So, the first thing we do is read the number of command line arguments off the stack. Then we read the address of the start of the strings. Then we iterate over this block of memory, printing each string as we see it. We know how many arguments to expect, so when we have seen that many we quit.

OK, it’s time to look at the code!

.equ NULL, 0

.section .data
NEW_LINE: .byte 10
.section .text

.globl _start

popq %rbx

decq %rbx

cmpq $0, %rbx
je exit_with_error

popq %r13 # The name of the currently executing binary
popq %r13

movq $0, %r8   # number of nulls seen so far
movq $0, %r9   # number of characters since last null 
movq $0, %r10  # number of characters up to last null
movq $0, %r12  # number of characters seen so far

movq (%r13,%r12,1),%rax

incq %r9
incq %r12

cmp $NULL,%al
jne loop_start 

movq %r9, %rdx
movq %r13, %rsi
addq %r10, %rsi
movq $1, %rax
movq $1, %rdi

movq $1, %rdx
movq $NEW_LINE, %rsi
movq $1, %rax
movq $1, %rdi

addq %r9, %r10
movq $0,%r9

incq %r8
cmpq %r8,%rbx
je exit

jmp loop_start


movq $60, %rax
movq $0, %rdi

movq $60, %rax
movq $-1, %rdi

First we pop the number of command line arguments off the stack into the rbx register. We decrement this value with decq because it will include the name of the binary itself. We check that there are a non-zero number of command line arguments. Then we pop the binary name, which we won’t be using. After that we pop the memory address of the actual arguments into r13.

Next we set up four different registers as counters we will use when looping over the command line arguments. As the strings in memory are null-terminated we can keep track of them via null characters. So, the counters are: the number of nulls we have seen so far, the number of characters we have seen since the last null, the number of characters that came before the last null and the total number of characters we have seen overall.

movq $0, %r8   # number of nulls seen so far
movq $0, %r9   # number of characters since last null 
movq $0, %r10  # number of characters up to last null
movq $0, %r12  # number of characters seen so far

Now the loop itself begins. The first part of this loop indexes into the memory location beginning at r13 until we see a null character, incrementing r9 and r12 as we go.

movq (%r13,%r12,1),%rax

incq %r9
incq %r12

cmp $NULL,%al
jne loop_start 

Whenever we do see a null character we proceed to the next section. This is where we write the current string to the terminal.

movq %r9, %rdx
movq %r13, %rsi
addq %r10, %rsi
movq $1, %rax
movq $1, %rdi

movq $1, %rdx
movq $NEW_LINE, %rsi
movq $1, %rax
movq $1, %rdi

The register r9 contains the number of characters since the last null, so that is the length of the current string. The memory address of the start of this block of memory is in r13, the number of characters that we saw up to the last null are in r10, so the memory address of the start of this string is the sum of those two values. We also print a newline so make our output a little prettier.

Once we have outputted the current string, we update our other counters and check to see if we have read all the command line arguments.

addq %r9, %r10
movq $0,%r9

incq %r8
cmpq %r8,%rbx
je exit

jmp loop_start

First we update the value in r10 to contain the number of characters up to the null we have just seen by adding on the value in r9. Then we reset r9 to zero. Register r8 keeps track of the number of nulls we have seen so far, so we increment it and compare against rbx. If they are equal, we jump straight to the exit. Otherwise we jump back to the start of the loop and carry on.

So, we now know how to parse our command lines. The kernel also copies the current environment variables into memory and leaves a pointer to them on the stack. These are a little bit harder to parse, so we will ignore them for now.

Assembly Language – Arithmetic Instructions

Before we continue with command line parsing, we will have a brief diversion covering how arithmetic instructions work. We have already seen the increment and decrement instructions, incq and decq. These add one and subtract one from the value in a register. Now we will be covering more general arithmetic operations. In a previous post we saw how to use comparison instructions. Arithmetic instructions are really quite similar.

If we wish to add two quad-word values, we use the addq instruction. The syntax is:

addq X, Y

where X is the name of a register or a constant value and Y is the name of a register. So the instruction addq $17, %rax adds 17 to the value in register rax and stores the result in rax. To subtract we use the subq instruction which uses the exact same syntax.

There are two different multiplication instructions. The first, imulq, works just like the addq and subq instructions. This performs signed multiplication. However, as the result is stored in a single 64 bit register this instruction can quite easily lead to an overflow. Indeed, if we try to use constant values that are too large the assembly step will fail. For example the instruction

imulq $0x8000000, %rax 

will cause an error when you try and assemble. This is, roughly, because max positive value you can store in 32 bits is 7FFFFFFF. However, you can still move this value into a register and multiply that way.

There is another multiply syntax that allows us to multiply 64 bit numbers without overflow. This syntax uses two instruction names, mulq and imulq, but it takes a single register value. The instruction imulq performs signed multiplication and the instruction mulq performs unsigned multiplication. These instructions multiply the value in the supplied register by whatever value is in the rax register and stores the result across rdx and rax. The lower 64 bits are stored in rax and the upper 64 bits in rdx.

To perform division we use idivq and divq. As before, idivq is signed division, and divq is unsigned division. The division instructions take a single argument, the name of a register. With these instructions, the CPU takes the values in rax and rdx as a single value, rax is the lower 64 bits and rdx is the upper 64 bits. It divides this value by the value in the register supplied. The result of this division is then stored in rax and the remainder is stored in rdx.

There is also a unary negation operation negq, that negates the value in a register.

Many of these instructions will overflow. And, unlike in some higher level languages, our program will continue to execute happily with whatever values the registers now contain. To avoid this behaviour we use a special instruction: jo. This is the jump on overflow instruction. Whenever an arithmetic operation that causes an overflow occurs the CPU sets the overflow flag. The jo instruction jumps conditioned on this flag. If the flag is set, execution jumps to the address supplied.

There are also versions of the above arithmetic operations for non-quad words. However we aren’t particularly interested in them right now.

Assembly Language – Command Line Parsing part 1

We know from a previous post that when our program starts the Linux kernel will have stashed some helpful values for us on the stack. At the top of the stack we have the number of command line arguments. This value includes the name of the binary being executed. So, for example, the command line “binaryName arg1 arg2” would give 3. Next in the stack is a pointer to the name of the binary. Finally we have a pointer to the command line arguments themselves, this doesn’t include the name of the binary.

We’re going to see how to parse these arguments. First we’re going to read and display the name of the binary that is currently executing. To do this, we will need to read a value off the stack, get the length of this string by searching for the null character and then print it.

Let’s look at some code:

.equ NULL, 0

.section .data
NEW_LINE: .byte 10
.section .text

.globl _start

popq %r13

cmpq $1, %r13
jne exit_with_error

popq %r13

movq $0, %r12  # number of characters seen so far


movq (%r13,%r12,1),%rax

incq %r12

cmp $NULL,%al
jne loop_start 

movq %r12, %rdx
movq %r13, %rsi
movq $1, %rax
movq $1, %rdi

movq $1, %rdx
movq $NEW_LINE, %rsi
movq $1, %rax
movq $1, %rdi


movq $60, %rax
movq $0, %rdi


movq $60, %rax
movq $-1, %rdi

Firstly, I should mentions that I’ve decided to use the higher numbered registers in this example as it will make it easier to modify this code for the next post.

The very first thing we do is define a constant with equ. The constant is named NULL and has value 0. Next we define a byte in our data section named NEW_LINE with value 10. It will not surprise you to learn that 0 is the ascii code for a null character and 10 is the ascii code for a new line.

An important subtlety here is the difference between an equ constant and a value defined in the .data section. The constant values defined with equ are filled in when the assembler runs. The data section becomes part of the binary, and is copied into memory when our program is run. So we can reference a value in the .data section by it’s memory address, whereas an equ constant is really just a special name for a value.

In our text section, our first instruction is:

popq %r13

This pops the top value off the stack into the r13 register. We know that this value is the number of command line arguments. So, we check if it is equal to 1, and if not, exit with an error:

cmpq $1, %r13
jne exit_with_error

Now we pop the next value of the stack into the r13 register. This will be a pointer to the name of the currently executing binary. To get the length of this string we loop over it looking for the null character like so:

movq $0, %r12  # number of characters seen so far


movq (%r13,%r12,1),%rax

incq %r12

cmp $NULL,%al
jne loop_start 

To index into the string that contains the name of the binary we use index addressing mode:(%r13,%r12,1). This reads the value stored in the memory address equal to the value in r13 plus 1 times the value in r12. The r12 register is our counter that keeps track of the current character we are looking at. So as we loop we are iterating through the string.

We check to see if the current character is null with: cmp $NULL,%al. The important point here is that we are reading characters which are represented as bytes. So if we just read the null character, we would expect the lowest byte of rax to be zero. There is probably lots of junk in the higher bytes of rax that we don’t care about. We know already that the lowest byte of rax is named al, so we compare this to 0. Also we put the register second in our comparison, if we do not we will get an assembler error. This is because the size of the second operand determines the memory size we are comparing, in this case byte.

Once we find the null character we output the string to the command line as normal:

movq %r12, %rdx
movq %r13, %rsi
movq $1, %rax
movq $1, %rdi

Then we use the NEW_LINE data value we defined earlier to output a new line:

movq $1, %rdx
movq $NEW_LINE, %rsi
movq $1, %rax
movq $1, %rdi

And finally we exit with exit code 0. If you assemble, link and run this code, you should see the name of your binary file printed to the command line. In our next post we will see how to parse the command line arguments that come after the name of the binary.

Assembly Language Tutorial – The Stack

Unfortunately we’re going to have to be a little theoretical in this post. We’ll be covering how we use memory in our assembly programs, in particular how the stack works.

When we execute our code, it is loaded into a nice big block of contiguous memory. The very first address in this block, address 0, is kept inaccessible from our program. If you have programmed in C before you will be familiar with null pointers. A null pointer is a pointer that points to memory address 0. The fact that this address is inaccessible to our program is why we can define a pointer with numeric value 0 to be null.

After address 0, there are various other things loaded into memory. Our instructions and data is loaded at address 0x0804800. After this there is a big empty space, the last address before this empty space is called the system break. If you try to access either the memory before 0x0804800 or inside the empty space after our instructions you will get a segmentation fault.

At the very top of the memory, is the stack. This is a special region of expandable memory that our code can use to store values on the fly. Reading and writing to the stack is slower than reading and writing to registers, but sometimes we need to use it. We typically use the stack for two different reasons, we don’t have enough space in the registers or we are changing context and want to save the current registers.

When we add new values to the stack it grows downwards into the empty space after our instructions and data. There really is a lot of space there so you shouldn’t worry too much about filling it up. We maintain the stack with a special register rsp, this should always contain the memory address of the top of the stack. We can access the contents of the stack using the rsp pointer directly. When we do this we have to be careful to maintain the value in the register so that it always points to the top of the stack.

We can also access the stack with the popq and pushq instructions. The popq instruction copies the value that the stack pointer currently points at into the register supplied and moves the stack pointer up to the next memory address. Similarly pushq copies the value in the named register into the next address after the current top of the stack and moves the stack pointer forward to this new address.

The stack doesn’t start off empty. When our programs begins the stack will contain the following in order:

  • Various environment variables
  • Command line arguments
  • The name of the program
  • The number of command line arguments

So when our program begins executing, the stack register, rsp, will be pointing at the topmost value in the stack, that is, the memory location containing the number of command line arguments passed.

In our next post we will see how to read command line arguments off the stack.

Assembly Tutorial – I/O Bringing it all Together

We’ve seen in previous posts how to handle errors when writing to files and how to read and write arbitrary numbers of bytes to files. It’s time we put this all together! We are going to write a program that will read an arbitrary number of bytes from the command line and write them to a file. If our program encounters any errors it will gracefully exit with code 1. Here’s the code:

.equ BUFFER_SIZE, 20
.equ NEW_LINE, 10

.section .data
.string "outputfile\.txt"

.section .bss
.lcomm buffer_data, BUFFER_SIZE

.section .text

.globl _start

movq $2, %rax
movq $filename, %rdi
movq $0x441, %rsi
movq $0666, %rdx

cmpq $0, %rax
jl exit_with_error

movq %rax, %r9


movq $0, %rax
movq $0, %rdi
movq $buffer_data, %rsi
movq $BUFFER_SIZE, %rdx

cmpq $0, %rax
jl exit_with_error

movq %rax, %rbx

movq $1, %rax
movq %r9, %rdi
movq $buffer_data, %rsi
movq %rbx, %rdx

cmpq $0, %rax
jl exit_with_error

decq %rbx
cmpb $NEW_LINE, buffer_data(,%rbx,1)
je exit

jmp read_from_buffer

movq $60, %rax
movq $0, %rdi

movq $60, %rax
movq $1, %rdi

Nothing we have done here is really new. We start by defining some constants and a 20 byte buffer. Then, in the text section, we open the file named “outputfile.txt”.

movq $2, %rax
movq $filename, %rdi
movq $0x441, %rsi
movq $0666, %rdx

When we open the file we use the flag value 0x441. This flag tells the kernel three things: that we want to open the file in write mode, that we want to create a file if it doesn’t exist and that we want to append to the end of a file if it does exist.

After the open system call, we check if the return value of this system call is negative:

cmpq $0, %rax
jl exit_with_error

movq %rax, %rbx

If so, we jump straight to exit_with_error, otherwise we stash the return value in r9. You have to be careful to stash values you want to keep somewhere they won’t get over written during the next system call. We don’t use rsi, rdi or rdx as we are using to pass values to the kernel. The registers rcx and r11 will, in general, have their values overwritten during a system calls and rax will contain return values. So we choose rbx and r9 as our two stash registers.

Now, once we’ve opened our file, we enter a loop. Our loop starts with the label read_from_buffer. As before, at the end of each loop we check if the last character we have read is a new line and if so, jump to the exit, otherwise we jump back to the loop start:

decq %rbx
cmpb $NEW_LINE, buffer_data(,%rbx,1)
je exit

jmp read_from_buffer

Inside this loop we have our read and write system calls:

movq $0, %rax
movq $0, %rdi
movq $buffer_data, %rsi
movq $BUFFER_SIZE, %rdx

cmpq $0, %rax
jl exit_with_error

movq %rax, %rbx

movq $1, %rax
movq %r9, %rdi
movq $buffer_data, %rsi
movq %rbx, %rdx

cmpq $0, %rax
jl exit_with_error

We now have a conditional jump statement after each of these calls. If control returns from either with a negative number in rax we jump straight to exit_with_error.

That’s it, we’ve covered everything we will need to handle input and output in x86 assembly! It’s been quite a journey. In our next few posts we’ll be trying something slightly different.

Assembly Tutorial – Input and Output the Right way

Up until now, whenever we’ve read from or written to a file, we’ve just put an upper bound on the number of bytes we were reading or writing. For example in our original simple echo program we used a buffer of 500 bytes, and we put the value 500 into the rdx buffer when making the read and write system calls. If we carry on this way, we’ll always have to put a maximum size on input and output. Let’s learn how to do this properly!

We are going to write another simple echo program. However, this time, we’ll use a loop to read and write the input. We’ll also use a register to store a memory address like a pointer.

Ok, let’s look at some code:

.equ BUFFER_SIZE, 20
.equ NEW_LINE, 10

.section .data
.section .bss
.lcomm buffer_data, BUFFER_SIZE

.section .text

.globl _start


movq $0, %rax
movq $0, %rdi
movq $buffer_data, %rsi
movq $BUFFER_SIZE, %rdx

movq %rax, %rbx

movq $1, %rax
movq $1, %rdi
movq $buffer_data, %rsi
movq %rbx, %rdx

decq %rbx
cmpb $NEW_LINE, buffer_data(,%rbx,1)
je exit

jmp read_from_buffer

movq $60, %rax
movq $0, %rdi

The first two lines of this program introduce some new syntax. The equ keyword allows us to define a constant that will be substituted by the assembler. This is just like the #define pre-processor directive in C or C++. Here we define two constants:

.equ BUFFER_SIZE, 2o
.equ NEW_LINE, 10

The first, BUFFER_SIZE, is the size of the buffer we will be using, in this case 20 bytes. The second, NEW_LINE is just the ascii character code for a newline. Defining constants like this makes our code more readable and maintainable. Next, in the bss section we define a buffer named buffer_data of length buffer_size.

Now we have the meat of our program: a loop that starts with the label read_from_buffer. Inside this loop we have a read system call, a write system call, and a conditional jump.

The read system call:

movq $0, %rax
movq $0, %rdi
movq $buffer_data, %rsi
movq $BUFFER_SIZE, %rdx

reads BUFFER_SIZE worth of data from stdin to our buffer buffer_data. When control returns from the read system call the kernel will leave a return value in the register rax. This value will either be the number of bytes that the kernel read or a negative number indicating an error. For now, we ignore the error case. So, we move the value in rax into rbx to save it. Then we perform a write system call:

movq $1, %rax
movq $1, %rdi
movq $buffer_data, %rsi
movq %rbx, %rdx

The only new point here is that we move the value in rbx into rdx. This means we only ask the kernel to write the number of bytes that were actually read. Now, we do a conditional jump:

decq %rbx
cmpb $NEW_LINE, buffer_data(,%rbx,1)
je exit

We are checking to see if the final character we have read from stdin is a newline. The register rbx, contains the number of bytes we have read. So, to get the index of the last byte that we read, we decrement it. Then we use index addressing mode, buffer_data(,%rbx,1), to get the value of the last byte that we have read. This tells the cpu to read the value in rbx and count that many bytes past the start of buffer_data and load the value it finds. We compare this value with the ascii value for a newline. If the final character was a newline, we jump to the usual exit with code 0. Otherwise, the next instruction is the unconditional jump jmp read_from_buffer which brings us back to the start of the loop.

When we assemble, link and run this code, once it hits the first input system call, the shell will prompt the user for input on the command line. Suppose the user enters some text and hits enter. The kernel stores this text in the stdin file. In our system call we only asked for 20 bytes, so the kernel copies (at most) 20 bytes into our buffer, and discards them from stdin. The rest of the text that was input persists in stdin. Once we’ve written these bytes to stdout we can go back and read the next chunk from stdin. However, the user only gets prompted once, even though our code reads from the stdin file multiple times.

So now we know how to read and write input the proper way!

Assembly Tutorial – Looping

We’re going to write a simple program that demonstrates how to loop in assembly. We won’t be using a direct loop construct like in a higher level language. Instead, we’ll be using the jump and comparison instructions we covered in the a previous post.

We can loop infinitely over a block of code in assembly using a label and an unconditional jump:

### code that get's looped over 
jmp loop_start

Usually we don’t want an infinite loop in our code. So we put a conditional jump inside the loop that jumps to a label after the loop ends. Let’s have a look at an example. We’re going to write some code that uses a loop to print 10 asterisks to the terminal and a new line and then exits.

.section .data
asterick: .byte 0x2A
newline: .byte 0xA

.globl _start

movq $0, %rbx


movq $1, %rax
movq $1, %rdi
movq $asterick, %rsi
movq $1, %rdx

incq %rbx

cmpq $10, %rbx
jge exit

jmp loop_start


movq $1, %rax
movq $1, %rdi
movq $newline, %rsi
movq $1, %rdx

movq $60, %rax
movq $0, %rbx

In the data section of this code we declare two separate bytes in memory. The first byte is labelled ‘asterick’ and has hex value 2A (the hex value of an asterick). The second is label ‘newline’ and has hex value A (the hex value for a new line).

Then we have our loop:

movq $0, %rbx


movq $1, %rax
movq $1, %rdi
movq $asterick, %rsi
movq $1, %rdx

incq %rbx

cmpq $10, %rbx
jge exit

jmp loop_start

In this loop we are using the register rbx as our loop counter, so we begin by setting it to 0. Then we have the usual system call to write to stdout. We give the kernel the memory address of the byte in memory that contains the hex code for an asterisk. There is an important point here. The write system call takes a memory address not a value. If we want to print an asterisk, we cannot just pass it the hex value for an asterisk, we have to pass it the memory address of a byte containing an asterisk.

Once we have performed this system call, we must increment our counter. We do this with the instruction:

incq %rbx

This instruction does a 64 bit increment of the value in the register rbx. incq is one of the special instructions we can use to increment and decrement register values. They come in the usual instruction size variations. The instructions incq, incl, incw and incb increment 8 bytes, 4 bytes, 2 bytes and 1 byte respectively. Similarly the instructions decq, decw, decw and decb decrement 8 bytes, 4 bytes, 2 bytes and 1 bytes respectively.

Once we have incremented our counter, we check if the value is greater or equal to 10. If the value in the register rbx was less than ten we move straight to the next instruction:

jmp loop_start

which jumps back to the start of the loop. Notice that we jump back to the next instruction after we set up our loop counter in rbx. If we had put the loop start label one instruction earlier, our loop would run indefinitely, because the counter would have reset to 0 on every iteration.

If however, our counter in rbx is greater or equal to 10 we jump straight to the labelled exit section:


movq $1, %rax
movq $1, %rdi
movq $newline, %rsi
movq $1, %rdx

movq $60, %rax
movq $0, %rbx

This section prints a new line and then exits with exit code 0 as usual. We now know how to do conditional branching and looping in assembly!

Assemly Tutorial – Register Access and Pointers

So far we have used registers in two distinct ways. The first way is when we load values into registers and compare them to other values, like in the following code:

movq $4, %rax
movq $3, %rbx
cmpq %rbx, %rax

We’ve also used registers to store memory addresses when we used system calls. For example if we wanted to write the 50 bytes from the buffer named data_buffer to stdout we would use code like the following:

movq $1, %rax
movq $1, %rdi
movq $data_buffer, %rsi
movq $50, %rdx

In the third line, $data_buffer, is the address of the buffer, so when we make the system call, the register contains an address for the data we are interested in rather than the data itself.

We can use registers like this more generally. Indeed, to access the value stored at the memory location contained in a register we wrap the register name in brackets, as below.

cmpq $0, (%rax)

In the above code, if the value stored in rax is an accessible address in memory, that contains a value equal to zero, then the above condition is true. If rax contains an accessible address in memory that contains a value other than zero the above condition is false. If the register rax contains the address of a region of memory we cannot access, for example the region before the instructions, the we will get a segmentation fault when our program runs.

We can also offset the address in a register by placing a constant value in front of the brackets like so:

cmpq $0, 8(%rax)

this value can be positive or negative and is specified in bytes.

Often however, we want to dynamically calculate addresses in our code, we do that with indexed addressing mode. This allows us to provide a constant base address, a constant multiplier, and two registers representing an offset and a multiplier. Specifically,

data_buffer(%rax, %rbx, 2)

refers to the memory address found when you start at the address of data_buffer, add the value contained in rax and 2 times the value in rbx (with all numeric values specified in bytes). Unfortunately you cannot use a negative multiple here. This addressing mode is particularly useful when we are iterating through strings or arrays of contiguous memory.